For Mailforwarders

How to register?
To register, you need to follow the link, provide your information, and select the account type from the drop-down menu. For mail forwarders, it's the "Business Account".
How to give my customers access to the service?
You need to fill in the address of your warehouse (or another delivery point) in your personal account under the "Profile - Settings" section. Then, go to the Dashboard section of your personal account and set the cashback percentage you would like to receive from your customers' orders: cashback in % and minimum cashback in $. Then, click "save." To the right of the cashback section, you will see a link for registering your customers in LYNX with more detailed instructions. This is the link your customers can use to register for the LYNX service.
What is LYNX cashback?
LYNX cashback is the difference between your mail forwarder rate on the LYNX website (Business/Enterprise rate) and the commission you set for your customers. After registering on the LYNX website, a specific rate is assigned to you, for example, the Enterprise rate with a 6% commission (minimum $8). This means that 6% (minimum $8) of the total cost of the products your customers order in a specific shipment goes to LYNX as payment for their services. However, you can set any commission for your customers. For example, 10% (minimum $10) of the total cost of the products in the order. The difference between the commission you set and LYNX's commission is your cashback, which will be credited to your balance after the delivery of the products from the order to your warehouse address.
How will customers pay for orders?
Customers will be able to pay for orders in their personal account on the LYNX website using bank cards and cryptocurrency.
Will the client see the difference in commission when placing an order?
No, when placing an order, the client immediately sees the commission set by your service.
What happens if there are fewer orders than the tariff requires?
Your account will be adjusted to the tariff corresponding to the number of orders. Recalculation occurs at the end of the calendar month.
How will the service page for Mail Forwarder customers be branded?
Your logo will appear in the top left corner (in the website header) of the personal account, and it will look like "LYNX x Your Logo."
Where do Mail Forwarder customers' parcels arrive?
Parcels will be delivered to the warehouse address you provided during registration.
How are Mail Forwarder customers' parcels identified at the warehouse?
At the Mail Forwarder warehouse, parcels are identified according to their established procedures. On the side of LYNX operators, when purchasing an order, they specify the customer's personal number (their internal number with the Mail Forwarder) in the delivery address, and they also provide a tracking number after the order is shipped from the store.
What happens to orders after they arrive at the Mail Forwarder warehouse?
As soon as LYNX operators receive information that the order has been delivered to the address, the order status is changed to "Completed," and work on it is considered finished.
Are returns to the store possible after the parcel arrives at the Mail Forwarder warehouse and after it is shipped from the warehouse?
Customers can return an order while it is still at the Mail Forwarder warehouse if the store's conditions allow it. After the order is shipped from the Mail Forwarder warehouse, it is no longer possible to return it.