Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy for Personal Data (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy") applies to all information that the User may provide to LYNX in connection with the use of the Site and the Service.

1. Definitions

1.1. In this Privacy Policy, the following terms are used:

1.1.1. LYNX - a project created and operated under the guidance of the company Orange Tech FZ-LLC. Orange Tech FZ-LLC is a legal entity established under the laws of the UAE and operating in accordance with UAE laws. It manages the website, organizes and processes personal data, and defines the purposes of processing personal data, the scope of personal data subject to processing, and the actions (operations) carried out with personal data.

1.1.2. Personal Data - any information related to an identified or identifiable individual (personal data subject).

1.1.3. Processing of Personal Data - any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without using such tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

1.1.4. Confidentiality of Personal Data - a mandatory requirement for the operator, as defined in accordance with applicable law, as well as other persons who have access to personal data, to prevent their dissemination without the consent of the personal data subject or the presence of other legal grounds.

1.1.5. Site - identical content websites located on the Internet under the domain names, as well as on their subdomains.

1.1.6. Subdomains - pages or a set of pages located on third-level domains belonging to the Site.

1.1.7. Service - a set of services, products, and software offered on the Site.

1.1.8. User - an individual using the Service.

1.1.9. Cookies - a small piece of data sent by a web server and stored on the user's computer, which is sent by the web client or web browser to the web server in an HTTP request each time the user attempts to open a page of the corresponding site.

1.1.10. IP address - a unique network address of a node in a computer network through which the User gains access to the Site.

2. General Provisions

2.1. The User's personal data is processed in accordance with applicable legislation, including, but not limited to, Federal Decree Law No. 45 of 2021 regarding the protection of personal data in the UAE, Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Personal Data" No. 152-FZ, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) approved by European Union Regulation No. 2016/679.

2.2. The use of the Site by the User implies agreement with this Privacy Policy and the terms of processing the User's personal data.

2.3. In case of disagreement with the terms of the Privacy Policy, the User must stop using the Site.

2.4. This Privacy Policy applies to the Site. The Site does not control and is not responsible for third-party websites to which the User may navigate through links available on the Site.

2.5. LYNX does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the User, unless otherwise stipulated by LYNX.

3. Subject of the Privacy Policy

3.1. This Privacy Policy establishes the obligations of LYNX regarding the non-disclosure and ensuring the protection of the confidentiality of personal data that the User provides when registering on the Site or when placing an order on the Site.

3.1.1. When registering on the Site, the User provides the following personal data: Last name, First name, Patronymic, date of birth, gender, delivery address, contact (mobile) phone number, email address.

3.1.2. When placing an order, depending on the chosen delivery method, the User provides the following personal data: Last name, First name, Patronymic, contact phone number, email address, date of birth, gender, delivery address, passport data in text and/or photocopy form.

3.1.3. LYNX reserves the right to request from the User other personal data, including document copies, necessary for providing the User with the Service.

3.2. The Site protects the Data that is automatically transmitted when visiting pages:

  • IP address;
  • information from cookies;
  • browser information;
  • access time;
  • referrer (address of the previous page).

3.2.1. Disabling cookies may result in the inability to access parts of the site that require authorization.

3.2.2. The Site collects statistics about the IP addresses of its visitors. This information is used to prevent, detect, and resolve technical issues.

3.3. Any other personal information not specified above (browsing history, used browsers, operating systems, etc.) is subject to secure storage and non-disclosure, except in cases provided for in clause 5.4 of this Privacy Policy.

4. Purposes of Collecting User's Personal Information

User's personal data may be used by LYNX for the following purposes:

4.1. Creating an account for using the Site and Service.

4.2. Identifying the User registered on the Site for their subsequent authorization.

4.3. Providing the User with access to personalized Site data.

4.4. Establishing feedback with the User, including sending notifications, inquiries regarding the use of the Site, processing requests, and applications from the User.

4.5. Determining the User's location to ensure security and prevent fraud.

4.6. Confirming the accuracy and completeness of the personal data provided by the User.

4.7. Notifying the User via email, SMS, or messenger messages.

4.8. Providing the User with effective technical support when issues related to the use of the Site arise.

4.9. Providing the User, with their consent, special offers, newsletters, and other information on behalf of the Site.

5. Methods and Timeframe for Processing Personal Information

5.1. By providing their personal data, the Site Visitor/User agrees to their collection, storage, processing, and transfer of this data to third parties if necessary to provide the services mentioned in this Public Offer. The Site Visitor/User also agrees to the use of their personal data for the purpose of fulfilling the Service's obligations, conducting electronic surveys, monitoring the results of marketing campaigns, customer support, organizing the delivery of orders to the User, holding prize drawings among Site Visitors/Users, monitoring Visitor/User satisfaction and the quality of services provided by the Service.

5.2. Processing of personal data means any action (operation) or a combination of actions (operations) performed with the use of automation tools or without the use of such tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), retrieval, use, transfer (including transfer to third parties, excluding cross-border transfer if such transfer is required in the course of fulfilling obligations), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

5.3. The processing of User's personal data is carried out without any time limitations, using any lawful means, including information systems of personal data with or without automation tools.

5.4. User's personal data may be transferred to authorized government authorities only on the grounds and in the manner provided by applicable legislation. Such transfer of data is not considered disclosure. The Site Visitor/User also agrees to transfer their personal data to third parties determined by LYNX, including but not limited to, product sellers, postal/courier services, law enforcement agencies in cases where an investigation into possible unlawful actions is required.

5.5. In case of loss or disclosure of personal data, LYNX is obligated to inform the User and the relevant supervisory authorities.

5.6. LYNX takes the necessary organizational and technical measures to protect the User's personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from any unlawful actions by third parties.

5.7. LYNX, together with the User, takes all necessary measures to prevent losses or other negative consequences caused by the loss or disclosure of the User's personal data.

6. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

6.1. User's Rights:

6.1.1. The User has the right to freely decide on the provision of their personal data necessary for using the Site and Service and to give consent for their processing.

6.1.2. The User has the right to receive information from LYNX regarding the processing of their personal data if such right is not restricted by applicable legislation.

6.1.3. The User has the right to update or amend the provided personal data in case of changes to this information.

6.1.4. The User has the right to withdraw their consent for personal data processing by filling out the refusal form located on the Site and sending the completed and signed form to the address [email protected].

6.1.5. The User has the right to request the deletion or cessation of the use of their personal data.

6.2. Obligations of LYNX:

6.2.1. LYNX is obliged to use the received information solely for the purposes specified in section 4 of this Privacy Policy.

6.2.2. LYNX is responsible for keeping confidential information secret, not disclosing it without the prior written consent of the User, and not engaging in the sale, exchange, publication, or disclosure of the User's personal data by any other means, except as provided in section 5.4 of this Privacy Policy.

6.2.3. LYNX must take precautionary measures to protect the confidentiality of the User's personal data in accordance with the standard practices used to protect such information in the normal course of business.

6.2.4. LYNX must block personal data related to the User from the moment of the User's request or the request of their legal representative or authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects, for the period of verification in case of inaccurate personal data or unlawful actions.

6.3. LYNX has the right to send informational, including advertising messages to the User's email and mobile phone with the User's consent expressed through actions that unambiguously identify the User and allow the User to confirm their desire to receive such messages. The User has the right to refuse to receive advertising and other information without explaining the reasons for refusal by sending the corresponding statement to the Service's email address: [email protected]. Service messages informing the User about the order and its processing stages are sent automatically and cannot be rejected by the User.

6.4. LYNX has the right to record phone conversations with the User. At the same time, LYNX must prevent unauthorized access to information obtained during phone conversations and/or its transfer to third parties who are not directly related to the order execution.

7. Responsibilities of the Parties

7.1. LYNX is liable for the losses incurred by the User due to the unlawful use of personal data, in accordance with applicable legislation, except for cases provided in sections 5.4 and 7.2 of this Privacy Policy.

7.2. In case of loss or disclosure of Confidential Information, LYNX is not liable if such confidential information:

7.2.1. Became public knowledge before its loss or disclosure.

7.2.2. Was obtained by LYNX from a third party before receiving it from the User.

7.2.3. Was disclosed with the User's consent.

7.3. The User is responsible for complying with the requirements of applicable legislation, including advertising laws, copyright and related rights protection laws, trademark and service mark protection laws, and other laws, without limitation, including full responsibility for the content and form of materials.

7.4. The user agrees that the information provided on the website may be subject to intellectual property rights that are protected. The user is not allowed to make changes, rent, lend, sell, distribute, or create derivative works based on or using such intellectual property objects, except in cases where such actions have been expressly permitted in writing by the owner in accordance with the terms of a separate agreement.

7.5. LYNX is not liable to the User for any loss or damage incurred by the User due to the deletion, failure, or inability to save any Content and other communication data contained on the Site or transmitted through it.

7.6. LYNX is not responsible for any direct or indirect losses resulting from: the use or inability to use the Site or the Service; unauthorized access to the User's communications; statements or actions of any third parties.

7.7. LYNX is not responsible for any information posted by the User on the Site, including but not limited to information protected by copyright that the User has posted without the explicit consent of the copyright owner.

8. Dispute Resolution

8.1. Before filing a lawsuit regarding disputes arising from the relationship between the User and LYNX, it is mandatory to submit a claim (a written proposal or an electronic proposal for voluntary dispute resolution).

8.2. The recipient of the claim shall, within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receiving the claim, inform the claimant in writing or electronically about the results of the claim review.

8.3. In case of no agreement reached, the dispute shall be submitted to the court at the choice of the Plaintiff.

8.4. The current legislation of the United Arab Emirates is applicable to this Privacy Policy and the relationship between the User and LYNX. Due to conflict of laws and mandatory legal requirements, in some cases, when resolving disputes and interpreting the parties' relations based on this Privacy Policy of personal data, the legislation of other countries may be applied.

9. Additional Terms

9.1. The current version of the Privacy Policy is available on the website: A new version of the Privacy Policy replaces all previous editions, and its posting does not require prior agreement with the User.

9.2. The new Privacy Policy becomes effective from the moment it is posted on the website, unless otherwise provided in the new edition of the Privacy Policy.